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About the School

Be it an emphasis on Collaborative Learning, interaction with experts, professional skills, or relevant curriculum, CMR University’s School of Economics and Commerce(SOEC) ensures that students of Economics and Commerce are empowered with the right skill sets for successful lives.

Through our high quality academic programmes, we groom students with the aim to make them industry-ready professionals armed with hands-on knowledge in their selected field of specialization. Strong tie-ups with our globally known knowledge partners and legacy of the CMR Group in the field of education complements this unique learning journey at CMR University.

The School of Economics and Commerce (SOEC) offers quality Economics and Commerce programmes at the Undergraduate (UG), Postgraduate (PG), and Doctoral (Ph.D.) levels. The School of Economics and Commerce, CMR University Bengaluru aims to nurture students to be professionally capable of working in diverse areas such as Accounting, Finance, Insurance and Banking .

Students of our academic programmes graduate with a concrete understanding of relevant subject-knowledge and strong problem-solving skills.


To nurture creative minds to drive positive global change.


  • To offer high quality need-based programmes in ‘Economics and Commerce’ for inclusive growth of the Society and Economy.
  • To engage talented intellectual capital with strong diversity in knowledge and experience for relevant knowledge creation and dissemination.
  • To focus on research-led education with emphasis on innovation and interdisciplinary learning.
  • To be a driver of social and economic change through positive knowledge interventions.

Key Features

  • Academic Programmes designed by a team of Chartered Accountants, Industry Experts and Seasoned Academicians from India and abroad.
  • Emphasis on collaborative learning process through modern pedagogy.
  • Providing a strong practical perspective through continuous interaction with business and industry professionals.
  • Focus on emerging subject areas in collaboration with international knowledge partners.
  • Opportunity to enhance knowledge and skill sets through certifications offered by reputed industry partners like IBM, Tally and others.

We help to develop the skills to thrive in the global economy!

Programmes at the School of Economics and Commerce

Resources and Support @ CMRU


The faculty at the SOEC comprises Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Industry Experts and Seasoned Academicians. The faculty members have rich experience in the field of Accounting, Finance and BFSI and draw upon their expertise in the classroom.

Business Analytics Lab

CMRU provides excellent infrastructure. It is equipped with state-of the art IT facilities, powered by server- based local network; high speed and secure internet connection with an in-house IBM Business Analytics Lab.

  • Industry Interface: The campus has established an excellent interface with the corporate world in various sectors. Professional direction for students is offered by the Career Development Cell through the involvement of key industry professionals; who also act as mentors.
  • Internship and Placements: Mandatory internships in organizations are provided based on competency mapping of students’ knowledge and skill sets with the job profiles.
  • Wireless Hotspots: In addition to the wired network, the entire campus has a parallel wireless Network. The networked resources can be accessed from virtually anywhere in the campus.
  • Library: CMR University has established a fully computerized and well stocked library with textbooks, reference books, periodicals, journals, and newspapers.

Life at CMRU

ACCP AY(2025-26)